5 февр. 2011 г.

One World One Heart 2011 giveaway!

Об акции / OWOH

Наверное вы заметили появившуюся на днях красочную иконку в моей правой панельке? Об этом, проходящим в блогомире событии я узанала совсем недавно. "Один мир одно сердце". Хотя лучше перевести не "один", а "един". Проходит оно в пятый и, увы, в последний раз. Более подробно о нем и о правилах проведения написано у организатора Lisa. Если кого-то захочет тоже объявить розыгрыш в рамках мероприятия, но его смущает дли-и-инный текст на инге с правилами - спрашивайте в предыдущем посте, ибо этот конфетный :). Основная суть в том, чтобы люди занимающиеся творчеством и ведущие свои блоги могли познакомиться друг с другом. Розыгрыш состоится 17 февраля. До 12-го можно подать заявку на участие. И сам приз может быть даже не рукодельным - главное общение и знакомство. На момент написания поста в этом марафоне знакомств приняли участие...767 человек! Сколько всего красивого я увидела за эти несколько дней! Это даже не "пинок", а шквал эмоций и вдохновения! Список всех участников тут.

Welcome to my blog and the 5th One World One Heart blogging event. If you would like to join, click on One World One Heart and follow the instructions. Unfortunately, I learned about it recently. So it's my first OWOH. During these days I've seen sooo many delicious, energizing and creativity works! 767 creative persons from all over the world are already participate! WoW! You still have time - till the 12th of February. The list of participants is here. The draw - 17 of February.

О себе / About myself

Меня зовут Наталия. Живу в России, в небольшом старинном городе Астрахани (известным икрой, бахчевыми и каракулем). Я счастливая жена и мама - нашей дочке 14 лет. В институте я выучила английский и французский, а работая с итальянцами - немного итальянский :)). Но вся моя жизнь связана с другой профессией - я дизайнер полиграфической продукции в рекламном бизнесе. Рукоделие - это мое хобби, моя отдушина, где я могу выплеснуть всю нерастраченную энергию. Если вам хотелось бы увидеть результаты моего творчества - в этом посте собраны фотографии моих работ за последний год.

My name is Nataly. I live in Russia, in a small but historic city of Astrakhan (known by caviar, melons and astrakhan). I am a happy wife and mother - our daughter is 14 years. At the Institute, I learned English and French, and working with the Italians - a little Italian :)). But my life is tied to another profession - I am a designer of polygraphy products in the advertising business. Handmade - it's my hobby, my outlet, where I can throw out all the unspent energy. If you would like to see the results of my work - in this post are photos of my works over the last year.

О призе / Door Prizes

Победителей будет два.
Первый получит куклу - ученого-придворного короля гномов. Лицо выполнено из керамики, руки - пластика, а тело из легкого прорезининого вещества. Руки-ноги двигаются и даже немного гнуться в суставах. Обувь из натуральной замши. Здесь его частичные фото, он еще не совсем одет, поэтому чуть позже я представлю его во всей красе. С этой куклы, вернее - с ее головы и началось мое блогожитие :). Но кукла была незаконченной. И вот теперь я решила ее доделать и подарить :) Она очень дорога мне, ведь повтора не будет. Но ведь и такого события тоже не будет...

There would be two winners
The first will receive a doll - the scientist-court king of gnomes. His face is made of ceramic, hand - plastic, and the body is of a light foam rubber. Arms and legs move and even a bit flex in the joints. Shoes made of genuine suede. Here, his partial photos, he is not yet dressed, so later I will introduce him in all his glory. With this doll - or rather, with his head and began my blogolife :). But the doll was unfinished. And now I decided to finish it and donate:) He is very dear to me, because the replay will not be possible - it's one od a kind. But even such an event, too, will not be repited...

Второй победитель получит набор из двух сердечек-подвесок - мужское и женское, весеннее и зимнее.

The second will win a set of two hearts-pendants - male and female, spring and winter.

Правила / Rules

А их в общем-то и нет :)
Выигранные призы поедут в любую точку земного шара!
От вас нужен только коммент к этому посту.
Не забудьте оставить ссылку на блог или ваш мэйл - я должна иметь возможность связаться с вами в случае выигрыша.
Единственное - ваш блог должен быть активным - конфетные не участвуют.

Победители будут объявлены отдельным постом в моем блоге 17 февраля. Я так же отправлю им сообщения о выигрыше. Обращаю ваше внимание: У меня премодерация комментов! Комментарии никуда не пропадают, они появятся в блоге после моей проверки :)

This is open to all bloggers worldwide.
All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog.
Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you win - leave a way for me to contact you in your comment.
The rules say that you must have an active blog.

The winners will be announce on February 17th here in a separate post. I will also contact all winners to let you know you've won. Please note: There is Premoderation of comments! Comments nowhere disappear, they will appear on blog after my verification :)

192 комментария:

  1. How nice! I am happy to meet you. I enjoyed my visit to your blog. I hope you will be able to visit mine, too!

  2. G'Day from Brisbane! Poppin' in for OWOH event. Pleased to meet you!

    The heart pendants are my favorite! So pretty!

    homemakerhoney@ gmail .com

    My OWOH giveaway:

  3. Greetings from Kansas USA, I am pleased to meet you. I do believe yu are the forst blogger I have meet in Russia. Love the photos of your country. The doll is magnificet and the hearts are gorgeous. I will be back to visit more again. Come see me at my blog:

  4. I have never been the first to visit a OWOH participant but here I am, lovely prizes and very interesting to meet you. Its amazing to meet so many people of the far corners of the world. Thank you for visiting me and please enter me into your draw.


  5. Greetings!...So pleased to visit your lovely blog. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist and look forward to meeting a new friend. I hope you will visit my blog as well.
    http://gaylepage-robak.blogspot.com or #230 on the OWOH list.

    Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw.

    Hugs, Gayle
    e-mail: gaylepage-robak@westman.wave.ca
    my blog: http://gaylepage-robak.blogspot.com

  6. Hi Im Belinda Nice to meet you .Love your Blog!!
    Please visit mine.My door prize is a OOAK polymer bunting baby
    hugs Belinda

  7. thanks for a great giveaway! please add me to the draw!


  8. Stunning prizes, I would love to win!

    Come on by my blog & enter my OWOH giveaway also, I'm #590.

    Enjoy your journey,

    Hoerauf at comcast dot net

  9. Hi Nataly, your work is wonderful. I understand about making art to relax! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your door prizes.

  10. Love your artistic talent and creativity. It's so nice to meet you and visit your lovely blog. You have such wonderful photos on your blog. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation in the event.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  11. Greetings from Northern Virginia, USA. I'd love a chance at your prizes! Thanks.
    Please feel free to enter my drawing at www.knitterofhatsspeaks.blogspot.com
    OWOH participant #523
    avennett AT verizon DOT net

  12. Hello. I'm a bead/doll maker from the USA-Ohio. NIce to met you & enjoyed looking at all your lovely art.

    dot #599

  13. what charming creations you've chosen to give away!

    greetings from frigid new jersey!

    OWOH #528

  14. Nataly- It is a pleasure to meet you! This is Pam flying by from half way around the world -Michigan in the US. Your blog is very creative as are your works of art! Your "King of the Gnomes" Doll is magnificent. I would be honored if I won this special work of Art. Thank you for the translations too. Have a Great Day!

I'd love for you to check out my giveaway too!
 I'm #776 at OWOH. http://designspark.blogspot.com/2011/02/one-world-one-heart-2011.html

  15. What lovely door prize.

    Visiting blogs and making new friends is a great way to spend the day !

    OWOH 2011


  16. Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!

  17. Nice to meet you, Nataly!
    My big goal is to connect with international bloggers particularly. I would love to be thrown in the hat for your prizes. I am going to be signing up when I return home tomorrow.

    Susan Reaney

  18. Stepping in from KY to Say Hello! This is my first year in the OWOH event, and I have never seen so many different creative blogs before! Please count me in for your OWOH drawing!
    Thank You! Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com

  19. Hey Nataly, It's so lovely to meet you and to discover your wonderful blog. I live in Kentucky, located in the USA. Great giveaways... that's so sweet to have male/female pendants! Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant, 598

  20. You make really beautiful art!

    Jeanie Callaghan

  21. Happy to meet you! I live in the US in Texas. You site and gifts are lovely.
    Hope you have you come by my site #745 on OWOH

  22. Nataly, such a pleasure to meet you! Wonderful work, beautiful prizes! Win or not, but I am glad to find so many wonderful artists and definitely will be coming back!

  23. Ooooh! This is fantastic! You are one creative lady!
    Stop by my place as I am giving away a Magnolia mini album when you can....
    Lynn #744 on the OWOH list :)

  24. Привет! Астрахань??? Мой любимый город :) Отдыхаем там почти каждое лето!!! Это главное, о чём хотела написать :) Ну...и запишусь, тогда :)))

  25. Aloha from Hawaii. I LOVE your work! It's very nice to meet you!

  26. Ciao Bella! This is my first trip with OWOH and the ride has been amazing! I am so excited to meet you and to see what you create. Thank you for inviting me. if you have time please wander over to my blog and say hello.

  27. Hello from California, USA! So nice to hear about you - I wasn't sure what country you were from originally as I did not recognize the text. It's great to meet people from so many different places.

    Sharon #89

  28. Oh you have such a wonderful blog and great give away! I shall have to keep my fingers crossed! Visit me too #220 needlewings at mac.com

  29. I have alway wanted to go to your country.Your hearts so pretty.Nice to meet you .I will be back I will follow you. lquaglia@srt.com new friend Laura

  30. It was wonderful wandering through you world today on my OWOH journey. Thank you for having me.

    Love the gift you are offering.

    I hope that you will come and visit me too in Alabama on your next outing. #104 Southern Ooaks


  31. Happy to meet you. Hope you are enjoying the OWOH event! I have enjoyed seeing your creativity as well as so many of the others that are participating.

  32. Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!

  33. Hi there,great to meet you. Please call on me at #100 if you have the chance.

  34. Hi my sweet Nataly - how wonderful to find you here at this event! I just looked at the post with photos of all of your FABULOUS creations - I had no idea - oh my gosh - the dolls are amazing! That is truly a stunning collection of your works!

    I am just thrilled to be able to visit with you again - your blog is anazing - you have so much talent. I hope you are doing great - not freezing up there this winter!! (say HI to my sweet little nest from its Mama Knitter!)


  35. I would love to participate in your Giveaway.Many thanks
    Judy McCarthy

  36. I love your little hearts--please enter me in your giveaway and then swing by and enter mine as well.
    Doreen #573.

  37. Hello Nataly,
    I think your art is wonderful. The gnome seems to be a fun character and the heart pendants are beautiful.
    Please visit my blog ~
    Art of Humungous Proportions (OWOH #602)
    Best wishes from Alberta, Canada ~

  38. Greetings from Ireland!
    I really like your blog and enjoy visiting it from time to time! Thanks for such wonderful prizes, really hope to win!


  39. здравствуйте Наталья! у вас удивительные работы! мне крупно повезло,что я нашла ваш блог! очень много полезной информации и идей для творчества,особенно для такого новичка как я)).мой блог открыт совсем недавно,но я надеюсь,что в скором времени обрету множество друзей и единомышленников!!! всем добро пожаловать в мой пока еще совсем небольшой блог!!!

  40. Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaways...I can only dream it's me! :)

    OWOH is a great trip around the (blog)world, thanks!

    Sweet greetings,

    nr 214 on the list

  41. Oh my!! I love this little gnome! He is quite cute. Your artwork is stunning. Thank you for sharing your blog. Please enter me in you giveaway! Thanks Teri - abella4@att.net


  42. Hi from Boise Idaho USA, your little doll is amazing!!
    Please check out my blog if you get a chance http://www.artinmybag/wordpress.com

  43. Lovely gifts!Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just email me through my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  44. Hello Natalie. I took a look at your work and it is beautiful. I love your cats and bunnies. Your giveaway prizes are gorgeous. I will have to look up where your home is. Are you further north than me?

  45. Hallo Nataly , nice to meet a blogger from russia.
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
    These are beautiful.
    Please count me in.
    Please come visit me on my blog aswell,I join the OWOH- event too.
    Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

  46. Hello Nataly... oh my goodness I just love your beautiful doll... what a gorgeous giveaway... and your hearts are so sweet... please count me in...

    Hugs from Australia...
    Jenny x

  47. Hello Nataly, those hearts are really beautiful. I love hearts and have made two cross stitched heart samplers.
    Please put my name in the draw.
    I hope you'll visit my blog #723 when you tour the OWOH next.
    Maya from India

    maya dot matthew at gmail dot com

  48. Hi Nataly,

    Lovely to meet you -- isn't it fabulous that this event is truly international?

    Thanks for offering such great door prizes. I especially like the hearts -- they are so perfect for the occasion, too.

    Greetings from Germany,
    # 66

  49. Nice to meet you,
    lovely give away!

    feel free to visit my blog.

  50. Hellooooo from Texas!!! So nice to meet you. I love your art work. Its beautiful! Please include me in your giveaway.
    adbt16 at suddenlink dot net

  51. How fun your art is! Hailing you from sunny Arizona USA. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you and your art. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura

  52. Наташ! Твои сюрпризы чудесные!!!

  53. Hello Nataly - wow I really loved seeing all your dolls on the other post. I know what you mean, this is my first year too and I'm SO inspired by all that I see. In particular I am seeing so many beautiful dolls (yours included) that is making me really want to try my hand at them too.

    Thank you for the chance to win your cheeky gnome - look at those eyelashes! Wow! He's fabulous! Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)

    OWOH #365

  54. OWOH is a lovely event and I like to visit the worldwide blogs, including yours. Your prices are really lovely, especially the gnome!

    Greetings from the Netherlands, Miriam

  55. Hi Nataly,
    It's nice to meet you!
    Your little gnome and hearts are lovely, thank you for offering them as your prize!
    Stop by for a chance to win on my blog too:
    #28 OWOH

    Waxela (wa-shay-la)
    aka SpiritMama

  56. Lively the OWOH!! Thanks to Lisa I can so see other attractive blog... as yours for example: your characters are too funny: I like very much...
    I am Manola and here is my blog:

    http: // bellelavie.canalblog.com/

    Good end of the week.;;-)

  57. *********LOVE**************
    you blog and greeting from around the world!
    What a Fantastic giveaway!! I am enjoying this trip in blogworld and making friends along the way...am following you now and would love for you to come by my blog and check it out (if you have not already0...follow and become a friend if you like!!

  58. My goodness, your work is beautitful. You took very detailed pictures. I can see how you loved every bit when you were creating. Your generosity is astonishing. I would enjoy any of your artwork. Nice to meet you. I liked your introduction. I am so enjoying visiting the OWOH artists.

  59. Greetings from California USA! Your giveaway is lovely! Please count me in & drop by my blog to enter mine also. Hugs, Diane

  60. Hello, it's so nice to meet you, I love your work, it's so unique. Pop over to my givaway if you get the chance!

  61. Natalia, you are a talent. I love your design(s), the angles and visual references are unique. I love that there are TWO hearts. These are lovely things and thanks for offering them.
    I'd love to have a chance to win a piece of your beautiful work. Please enter my name into your draw, and thanks! Norma (95)

  62. Beautiful pieces--Happy OWOH to you, Nataly! My daughter has been studying Russia, so your blog really caught my attention!

    If you get a chance, stop by and visit me--I'm flying along the OWOH journey with you!

    trishatoo at hotmail dot com

  63. Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
    Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
    Winning your give away would be awesome!
    Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.


  64. Hello Nataly, well I make a tips on the hearts. Thanks. Loredana

  65. Greetings from Viva Las Vegas! Wow...your doll is fabulous. So much detail in the face, he's absolutely divine. I would so love to win him. Your sweet hearts are great too. Happy travels through blog land.

    Bright blessings,

  66. Wow, your doll creation is simply gorgeous! I'd so much love to win him :)The two hearts are lovely also. Please enter my name into your draw! And pop over to my blog and enter mine, too, if you haven't done so already!

    Greetings from Germany,
    Dagmar #88

  67. So very nice to meet you, I love visiting all these wonderful blogs and seeing what everyone is working on, there are so many talented people here..

    Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
    Bonnie in Florida

    Visit my blogs
    # 566 and # 567

  68. Hi Nataly! Nice meeting you, I have walked around in jour blog! Nice creations! I hope you will do more in english too
    (it is a bit easier to read ;-))
    Russia is such a big country, so I had to look it up were you life! You live nearby a kind of lake / see? Caspian sea?
    Well you can come and visit me in Zutphen ;-)

  69. Hello Nataly, from Arkansas, USA!!

    Your creations are wonderful! The hearts are especially lovely! Please add me to the list.

    Visit my blog when you have time. Nice to meet you!

  70. OH, WOW!!! I can't even tell you much I LOVE LOVE LOVE gnomes and this gnome you have crafted is just stunning! Absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love it! It is a pleasure to read about you and your home. All very interesting! I hope you get a chance to visit me at #357! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  71. Hi Nataly, Your dolls have such personality! I wish I could read your posts, but will have to be satisfied with the photos of your work. They are intriguing.

    Here I am: http://newendstudio.blogspot.com/

    Thank you for the chance to have one of your beautiful creations.

  72. How wonderful! You are so talented! Can't wait to look at your blog! Thank you! Visit me soon, I'm #389 ! ♥

  73. Greetings Nataly! You have a wonderful blog! I understand very little of it, but your photos communicate your art and interests very well! Thank you for sharing!

    If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!



  74. What a fantastic giveaway!!! Your gnome and hearts are just beautiful. Thank you for your generosity and a chance to win.
    I was in St. Petersburg years ago and have beautiful souvenirs around my house that remind me of your country everyday :)
    Please stop by my blog, I'm #323.
    Warm greetings from Mexico ~

  75. Hi Nataly, so nice to meet you during OWOH. Please enter me in your giveaway drawing and stop by my blog and enter my giveaway.


  76. I am so excited to participate in my first OWOH blog tour . Your creativity is lovely. I hope I am lucky enough to win.
    please check out my blog

  77. I have a passion for gnomes!

    Carolyn Kight from Michigan, USA


    email: cmkights@tc3net.com

    Another email: carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)

  78. Love your doll and hearts, it was nice visiting you and seeing all of your art and lovely photos. I hope that you will stop by my blog for a visit and enter my drawing

  79. Thank you for being apart of OWOH's journey across the world. I have met so many wonderful talented people - and your one of them!

    PS I'm a blogger too - lifethegoodandthebad.blogspot.com

  80. Your artwork is WONDERFUL! I love it! I especially love the drawings you've got in your header on this blog. Such a nice place to visit I'll be back again for sure. Hope you are having fun on the OWOH! Hugs!

  81. Hello fom Canada ! so nice to meet you and you are so creative ! please add my name for the chance to win ! i am also in OWOH please stop by my blog !

  82. Hello from Ohio! You are so talented! Thank you for the chance to win! I really like your blog.


  83. Вот, прибежала. А то мне было бы обидно пропустить такую конфетку )))


  84. Ооо, тут и правда одни иностранцы.)) Я вот тоже прибежала, будем надеяться, что хоть один из подарков всё- таки на Родине останется.) А конфетка просто потрясающая!!Ты умеешь радовать людей!! Спасибо тебе!!

  85. Наташ, еще одну иностранку примешь? :)))) От сердечек твоих просто в восторге, нельзя допустить, чтобы они поехали далеко, давай в Украину :))))) http://arturkinamama.blogspot.com/

  86. Я буду ждать в Москве! http://irinakutina.blogspot.com/

  87. hello from Ohio,US! I like your blog and the beautiful things you made !Looking forward to knowing you better!
    gabriela #439

  88. Встаю в чергу за чудо-творіннями :) Сердечка прекрасні!!!
    мій блог http://vidkrutochku.blogspot.com/
    і пошта vira.zakanych(гав)ua.fm

  89. Нетушки-нетушки! Пусть едут далекоооо.... ко мне, например ))

  90. The hearts are just lovely

    Hello from California.

    chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

  91. Долетела )))) ЙААААААААА!!! ))))))) Конечно нельзя допустить, чтобы они вообще уехали "не к нам" )))))

  92. Вот как я умудрилась красоту такую пропустить? Балда (((( Но исправляюсь, скрещиваю пальцы и надеюсь!

  93. И я тоже хочу поучаствовать.http://httpwwwliveinternetruusers3788.blogspot.com/

  94. Вот это кукла! а сердечки! Супер! http://fatinika.blogspot.com/

  95. Давно на конфетки не подписывалась - пусть твоя украсит панельку первой :) http://ljana-bagirka.blogspot.com/

  96. И я тоже, так сказать из ближнего зарубежья!!))
    Запиши и посчитай меня! буду надеяться на удачу!!

  97. Действительно, предисловие насторожило, а русскоговорящие не любят много читать...???!!!И я хочу на Украину эту конфетку. ССылочка на панельке слева http://zhakardochumelka.blogspot.com/

  98. :) я становлюсь в очередь! Звездочет такой, прям как живой..
    Сердечки - красивые!!! :)

  99. С огромным удовольствием читаю ваш блог, столько всего интересного для себя нахожу!!!
    Может повезет мне, и конфетка приедет в Калининград?
    Приятно познакомиться, заглядывайте в гости!!!!

  100. Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha

  101. Я, я)) Очень хочу участвовать! Обожаю ваши работы! От сердечек просто млею! А на счёт учёного сомневаюсь, надо ли разыгрывать, он всё-таки первый и единственный! Но была бы счастлива его выиграть!)

  102. Hi from the UK. You make some lovely dolls which I saw on flickr. Thanks for your visit to me.

  103. Ооо! Какие здесь сладости! И я хочу. :))http://dianablog-dots.blogspot.com/

  104. Я обязательно записываюсь! http://gala-masiuki66.blogspot.com/

  105. Hello,

    For me it is also the first time that i join OWOH.
    I think it is very nice to visit so much blogs!
    I like your gnome and hearts.
    I also have a give-away with little hearts.
    Little origami hearts,,,
    Many greetings from the netherlands!



  106. You are an amazing artist! I love the little doll and the hearts.


  107. Осознала ошибку, вернулась в очередь. Я больше не боюсь большого английского текста)))
    Гном прелестный такой. Носааатый) А сердечки нежные, прям супер.
    Внимательность у меня ещё та, никогда не замечала в блоггере что ты живёшь в Астрахани, хотя у меня есть привычка смотреть кто откуда). А тут прямым текстом. У вас же просто рай, всё такое вкусное))) Арбуууузыыыыыыыыыы... Люблю их безумно, но они у нас за 6 месяцев без снега, не вызревают(((
    Если вдруг мне повезёт, то я вот тут: http://vintushka.blogspot.com
    Было приятно узнать новое о тебе)

  108. Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.

    Thanks for participating in OWOH - your offerings are wonderful...the gnome is awesome, and your hearts are so sweet. Please enter me in your drawing.

    If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
    # 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
    # 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home

  109. So lovely to visit your blog and meet you. Your photos on the left are so pretty- of your daughter and home. Please add my name to your generous give away and stop by my blog if you are able-lucky #777 on the long list.

  110. Natalie, your doll is beautiful. He has such a wonderful face. The hearts are lovely too. I would love to be entered in your drawing and thank you for visiting my blog. It is nice to "meet" you.

  111. hi love your blog and your door prize. hi from perth western austrlia.
    domslittleshop.blogspot.com come say hello to me tooooooooo. will retaurn again thanks for sharing

  112. Cheers Nataly, from Washington State USA. I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog and your artwork. Your dolls are amazing!
    I hope you come visit me during your OWOH tour at #769.
    natureswalk at comcast dot net

  113. Love your work!!!! Your door prizes are wonderful. It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com

  114. great giveaway prizes! please enter me in your giveaway and come enter mine!

  115. И я, конечно же, записываюсь в очередь за такой красотой!

  116. Hello Nataly! I hope I am the lucky one! I love the hearts! Greetings from California, US.
    Please visit my giveaway as well when you can. #164 in the list.

  117. Great King of gnomes, and pretty hearts! I looked at your toys, I love the cats so much, their clothing and detail is so sweet! Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)


  118. Your work is absolutely wonderful! I love the gnome.

  119. Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  120. These are gorgeous giveaways! I would love to win one. Please count me in!

  121. Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
    Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
    ~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

  122. Great giveaway hello from Ontario Canada
    canadianmadeskyy @hotmail.ca

  123. WOW, you make beautiful things, thanks for visiting my OWOH blog post, this is my return visit.


  124. What a wonderful door prize! Thanks for the chance to win! Please visit me at Irish Muses #678.

  125. How selfless to give something that holds such sentiment for you.
    binafan at hotmail dot com


  126. Доброй ночи! Пришла к вам из "Рыжих рукоделок", еще не все разглядела, но вся ночь впереди...)))

  127. Hello from Belgium. I love your cute giveaway, please include me and I keep my fingers crossed.

  128. So lovely to meet you! The Russian alphabet looks beautiful though I was very happy that you had translated into English too, otherwise I wouldn't have understood a word! ;) Thank you for offering such gorgeous prizes, you're very generous!

    angie.hogan at hotmail dot com

  129. So lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win one of your delightful prizes:-) I'm in love with that gnome! lol

    Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

    Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

  130. можно и я здесь постою - вдруг повезет? =)

  131. I love seeing all the neat things that people create!

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

    Amy from Pennsylvania
    AtypicalMusings.com (OWOH #520)
    artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

  132. Hello from Wonderland. It is so nice to meet you and visit your little part of Blogland. I would love to be included in your enchanting giveaway. Happy OWOH! Please do drop in during your journey.
    wishes and whimsy
    WenDy from WonDErlanD


  133. Wow, he is quite a magnificent figure! You are very talented.
    Thank you so much for entering my OWOH giveaway as well (831), good luck!

  134. Love your gnome doll and the heart! Please enter me--thanks :) OWOH #318

  135. Hello it's so nice to meet you, I"m bevie from VA and would love to win one of your prizes..come visit me if you haven't already and add your name! #489
    bevie2u at wildblue dot net

  136. Lovely. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

  137. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get the chance my blog is #809

  138. Such fun giveaways! Can't wait to see this little guy all done up!
    Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!

  139. how fabulous!!!!wow...i love it..i am in owoh too.number 813...so pop on by....
    please put me in your draw...

  140. Hello Nataly.
    Thank you for visiting my blog earlier.
    Your Gnome King is very handsome.

  141. Приятно познакомится! И спасибо за призы - особенно нравятся сердечки!

    Oxana from Moldova
    fancyscrap at gmail.com

  142. Наташа, а мне можно поучавствовать?

  143. Nataly,
    Browsing around your blog was a lot of fun. Very talented. The gnome doll is super and the heart is exquisite. Lovely stitches. Tina

  144. Hi Nataly, I would love to win both your beautiful prizes. They are so cool! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

  145. So glad to meet you and have a chance to explore your blog. Your art is absolutely wonderful and so creative. If you get a chance, please stop by my blog. Happy travelling!

  146. So nice to meet you,
    gorgeous gift, hope to win.

    Greetings from Finland;-))m

    I have also Valentine candy:

    leikkaan @ gmail.com

  147. So cute count me in.
    www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie

  148. Greetings from western North Carolina
    You have an awesome blog and giveaway. Thank you and God bless

  149. Hi Nataly, Nice to meet you! Greetings from Canada. What a fabulous giveway! I love your doll, I can imagine bringing it to all my travels (LOL!) and I also love your pendant hearts. I'd love to visit again after OWOH....you are really an inspiration.

    Please come and visit my blog at MDW's Love #548.
    Happy Blogging

  150. i love how the little gnome you've made is hiding...soon to be fully revealed to the chosen one! and your heart offering is beautiful!
    please stop by my blog #30 on the list
    warm hugs & blessings from Montana!

  151. Thanks for the chance of winning your fantastic prizes Nataly!

    I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

    Sherry from England, UK

  152. Your gnome and hearts are wonderful!

    OWOH #488

  153. Isn’t this fun? I just love OWOH! Thank you for participating… please count me in for your terrific giveaway. If you get a chance, I hope you’ll visit me too (if you haven’t already).

    Beckie =)
    artbeckons at hotmail dot com
    San Diego, California, USA

    OWOH #119 http://artbeckons.blogspot.com
    OWOH #132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home

  154. Greetings from Clovis, California
    I’ve enjoyed looking through your blog and your work is wonderful! Stop by and visit mine for a chance to win my door prize. In the meantime, I hope this journey is as fun for you as it is for me!
    Best, Holly
    my blog: http://tuscanroad.blogspot.com
    email: tuscanroad@sbcglobal.net

  155. What fun and hello from Canada! Please enter me, lucky #870 on the OHOW list, in your give away! I am so excited to visit and explore your blog! Don't forget to enter my draw at HERE http://lenorita-lenoramoore.blogspot.com/2011/02/one-heart-one-world.html/ by February 17th! Thanks so much! Lenorita.

  156. Hi Nataly, so nice to meet you. Your doll is wonderful! And your hearts are beautiful. Would love to visit your country one day!
    cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com

  157. Hello from beautiful NW Arkansas! It's nice meeting you! Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway and be sure to enter mine, too (if you haven't already.) #215 on the list.

    Warmest Regards,

    Wanda Eash
    Two Crafty Mules

  158. Hello from California! He is so wonderful!! You are a very talented artist! I can't wait to check out your blog more! Thank you for a chance to win this darling treasure! secondhandbeka@yahoo.com

  159. It would be so neat to win a prize from Russia!
    Hello from Pennsylvania, USA near Philadelphia.
    I like your giveaways a lot!
    Please enter me in your contest and come on over to my blog-#348 and drop your name in the hat there if your wish. Thanks and Good Luck!

  160. I hope you are enjoying the OWOH giveaway! I have met remarkable blogs there fore remarkable creators. Enjoy!

  161. You have here a very nice Blog. And your Giveawy is great. Please, writes me on your list.
    Visits me please also OWOH #646
    Greetings from Germany,

  162. Nice to meet you. Please add me to the giveaway list for your adorable Gnome King and come over and visit me too. I am #229 on the list.

  163. Hi Nataly, I love your scientist-court king of gnomes, very nice work. Спасибо

  164. What a generous giveaway! thank you so much for the chance to win one of these gorgeous prizes! but to tell you the truth, I would love to win the hearts because ....I'm afraid of gnomes... (and trolls and elves) U_u

    Gracie #516 on the list


  165. I would love to win just to get something from Russia and i love dolls i make them too .My name is Mary Patricia from Ireland

  166. Классная конфетка. запрыгиваю на ходу. Надеюсь я еще успела. ;)

  167. Hello Nataly. Thank you for welcoming me to your blog. I truly enjoyed learning about you and your lovely creations.

    Please feel free to visit me and enter my giveaway also. Just click on my blog link or I'm #625. Happy OWOH to you!

  168. Hi Nataly,

    I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance! I absolutely adore your Scientist King of Gnomes. I promise you if I am lucky enough to win, he will have a place of importance where he can be viewed and adored by all who visit. I think he deserves that!

    The hearts are so very pretty too. I really would be so happy to win either one.

    Thanks so much for the chance,

  169. The photos on your blog are beautiful and your little gnome is very charming. I would love a chance to give him a new home!


  170. You have a lovely blog. I really enjoyed my quick look around. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.

  171. your doll and hearts are wonderful! thanks for the chance to win.

    it's so nice to "meet" you and to enjoy exploring your blog!

    please stop by my blog for a chance to win my gift as well, if you haven't already!

    joe in montana

  172. I love all your work, the paintings are wonderful!

    I do not collect dolls however, so if you draw my name for the doll, please pick someone else, I love the hearts though.
    Please count me in, and PLEASE come visit #209
    thanks, Susan
    (Pieces of Fate)

  173. Actually here to say 'Hi' the giveaway was just the catalyst but I love your 3-D creation!!! :) Soooo... pleased to meet you chilled out talented babe (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia)! please come comment at my OWOH post too :) My talent lays elsewhere (eating leftovers LOL) Please feel free to drop in ANYTIME if your in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)

  174. ... waves hi.. whispers.. what great give-a-ways you are offering.. awesome.. thanks for the opportunities

  175. I adore your whimsical style of art. Please add me to your giveaway drawing. Thanks, Brandy

  176. The hearts are beautiful! Thank you for the chance. ; )

  177. I love that fabulous little gnome fellow! The hearts are beautiful as well.
    Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  178. I follow your blog since now... your work is amazing!!!
    Greetings from Spain and thanks for the chance!!!
    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  179. Greetings from Ipswich, MA USA
    I'm glad to meet you.

    I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, an upcycler, and an over all creative adventurer!

    I'd be honored for you to follow my blog!

    Pretty hearts! Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come chat any time.

    email: Lamore225@gmail.com

    Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L *

  180. Hi, it's wonderful to meet you through this lovely event. I'd love for my name to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you in advance and have a wonderful day. :-) I'm off now to look at more of your blog!


  181. Hi Nataly!
    Hello from New York! Your original art give aways are very beautiful! It's nice to find your lovely blog. I would love to visit Russia one day. My e-mail address is in my blog profile. I'd be thrilled to be one of your winners!

    My OWOH give away:

  182. hello, i'm glad i visited your blog in time for a chance to win your giveaway! if you haven't yet, i hope you can come and visit me at http://peggyapl.blogspot.com and join my OWOH giveaway.
    hugs from peggyapl(at)gmail.com!

  183. Hello, It's nice to meet you! I'm from Malaysia & also participating in OWOH 2011.
    Please come visit me at:

    whimsyloft [at] gmail [dot] com

  184. I would be honored to win.

    isastephanie at yahoo dot com

    I invite you to stop by my blog: www.luluscottage.blogspot.com
